Saturday, November 6, 2010

When a PICU Nurse gets sick...

When a PICU nurse gets sick, it isn't pretty.

Taking a "lunch break" to walk to CVS for pepto is NOT so much a "break"

Clearly not a break when the pepto comes right back up...throwing up in the locker room- definitely not pretty.

But where the true nurse shines through is in the attempt to go back and care for her 2 patients after the throwing up episode (yes, we know...nurses are the worst patients ever!)

It gets really ugly when PICU nurse almost throws up in one patient's room after smelling the patient's formula (thank goodness no parents were there!)

Then as she is running down the hallway, she almost throws up there...but makes it to another wonderful PICU bathroom toilet. Oh the joys of hugging a hospital toilet!

After barf number 2 she gets wise..."hmmm, maybe I should be going home!"

After throwing up episode 3, she realized, "hmmm, I don't think I can drive home"

So wonderful husband picks her up.... not before she has throw up #4 right outside the hospital doors... on the sidewalk... with employees and families walking around... and staring!

Not the finest moment for this PICU nurse!! And the fun begins again tomorrow....

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